
Showing posts from September, 2014

Action Tells Everything

Pay attention to what people do. Their actions will tell you everything you need to know.

10 Regrets Too Many People Will Have in 10 Years.

1. Not spending enough quality time with the right people. 2.  Not expressing your love openly and honestly with those you love. 3.  Basing a significant portion of your self-worth on other people’s opinions of you. 4.  Being too busy impressing others and forgetting about what matters to YOU. 5.  Letting uncertainty paralyze you. 6.  Focusing on failures instead of opportunities. 7.  Holding on too tight to every ideal, and then missing out on real opportunities. 8.  Playing the victim for far too long. 9.  Waiting, over analyzing , and never taking the necessary steps. 10.  Being too busy to appreciate your life.

6. Life Reminder - Truth

In life, goodbyes are a gift. When certain people walk away from you, and certain opportunities close their doors on you, there is no need to hold onto them or pray to keep them present in your life. If they close you out, take it as a direct indication that these people, circumstances and opportunities are not part of the plan for the next step of your life. It’s a hint that your personal growth requires someone different and something more, and life is simply making room. So embrace your goodbyes, because every “goodbye” you receive sets you up for an even better “hello.” La vita รจ bella. -marc&angel

5. Life Reminder - Ticking Clock

Never create or participate in unnecessary drama, and don’t surround yourself with people who do. Choose friends who you are proud to know, those few you admire, who love and respect you – people who make your day a little brighter simply by being in it. Don’t walk away from negative people, RUN! Life is way too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. -marc&angel