07.09.2015: It's MONDAY! A Blue Monday!

7.30 a.m: Started my day by wearing my Red sleeveless shirt because i dont want it to be my Blue Monday kaboo. And its make up free day. Actually im too lazy to put some extra colors on my face today. Haha. 

12.00 noon: Going out for lunch with beng & syaza. Then i realized, there's an oil spot on my shirt! What the chicken! Luckily i did bring my cardigan and cover it up. 
And here's some of our photos at Old Town Cafe, Karamunsing Capital. I just loves taking photos, so excuse my obsession. 
During working time, im whatsapp'ing with my babu'G(tangtang). And we decided to meet up this evening. She wants to give me "ole-ole" from Penang. Am waiting for the "Tambun". Haha. And i tell her about my shirt, she decided to lend me some of her shirt. She even sent me a photo of the shirt whether i like it or not. I just said "apa-apa saja yg penting muat". Haha. 
6.30 p.m: Out from the office. Gonna pick-up babu'G at Taman Khidmat. And she said she's hungry, so we went to Gaya Street cari BAHKUTEH. 
There you go, we finished our dinner with 2 un-known tourist. 
Tangtang and i, decided to go to night market at Sinsuran. So i drive and drive without noticing Pak Polis. 
08.20 p.m: Tadaaa!! No U-turn! When i saw the Police, i was laughing and he's laughing too. Yeah great! Then i said to him "sy mau tabirak ni, cepat kau tulis" he just making silly face and laugh. -.-

I want this! Okay! Soon! I'll be back to get you! Tangtang bought something for her daughter. Then we just window shopping and we saw something for ah beng. 
The Owl. 
So we end our night out with chit-chatting on the way home. 

The End.


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